TsN to broadcast its first live MoH match tonight! -
03-04-2003, 04:07 PM
Thats right boys and girls, TsN is back to MoH, and there first live broadcast is tonight, Its going to be the MoHOIL match BoRo vs F|H 10pm EST goto [url=http://www.tsncentral.com/:d254c]Team Sportscast Network[/url:d254c] to tune it and find out some more info!!!
LOL, good question, but no they don't. You can check out there site they have a few matches that were recorded this past week, give them a listen. There done really well. We just need some community support during the live cast, so they keep doing it.
Announcer: "Well, it's a VERY rainy day here in Gewitter. The fog has been around all day and it doesn't seem like it's going to lift."
Colour Guy: "That's right Bill. You'd have to think that the snipers will have a hard time in such dreadful conditions. Although, BORO has their hotshot sniper, Capt. Winters, who will no doubt shine again." *
Announcer: "I'd like to have a dollar for every player named Capt Winters in Medal of Honor. There must be a dozen in today's game alone!"
Colour Guy: <laugh> "You're right there, Bill. There sure are a lot of asshats out there."
* - there may or may not be a Capt. Winters on BORO.