mix map mod -
03-19-2003, 01:31 PM
cpt pennybag gave me a link to crowking's mix map mod i put it on our remote sever
ok here is the prob our server is a dm server, or is set up that way, i set frag to 0 and inserted the hunt bastogne and omaha
now the hunt works ,bastogne works
but on omaha when u destroy the 2 flak's the game still runs
now i am new to this so plz do not go over my head lol
all i have changed on our sever through the ftp is the map rotaion and the frag limit and the guy who owns this refuses to help saying once he sets it up anything new is not his responsibility we are running titleist which does not have an scr file but it does not run in front of omaha
any helpers?pllllllllzzzzzzzzzzz