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A not so simple answer to a simple question.
BloodBorn is Offline
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Default A not so simple answer to a simple question. - 03-18-2003, 11:39 PM

A while ago an american asked me "why do europeans hate us so much?".
as i replied "we don't hate you....we just don't like what your govorment is doing all over the world" .
this simpel answer spurred up a lively discussion that didn't lead anywhere.
now.....i'm gonna take it up here
and also answer with a few facts of what the world sees in american foreign poilitics.
now keep in mind....this is about one tenth of what the US govorment has done to the world in the past 50 years. (and these are all facts so if any smartass asks "show me some evidence" then just watch the flick Bowling For Columbine and you'll get your hard cold facts there, i took it off there just for that reason)

1953: US overthrows Priminister Mossadeq Of Iran.
US installs Shan as dictator.
1954: US overthrows democratically elected President Arbenz of Guatamala - 200,000 civilians killed.

1963: US backs assasination of South Vietnamese President Diem.

1963-75: American Military kills 4 million people in Southeast Asia.

1973 Sep 11th : US stages a coup in Chile. Democratically elected President Slavador Allende assasinated. Dictator Augusto Pinochet installed. 5000 Chilieans murderd.

1977: US backs military rulers of El Salvador. 70,000 Salvadoreans And 4 American nuns killed.

1980: US trains Osama Bin Laden and fellow terrorists to kill Soviets. CIA gives them 3 Billion American Dollars.

1981: Reagan Administration train and fund "contras" . 30,000 Nicaraguans killed.

1982: US provides billions in aid to Saddam hussein for weapons to kill Iranians.

1983: White House secretly gives Iran weapons to kill Iraqis.

1989: CIA Agent Manuel Noriega (Also serving as President of Panama) disobeys orders from Washington. US invades Panama and removes Noriega. 3000 Panamanian Civilian casulties.

1990: Iraq invades kuwait with weapons from US.

1991: US enters Iraq, Bush reinstates Dictator of Kuwait.

1998: Clinton bombs "weapons factory" in Sudan. Factory turns out to be making Aspirin.

1991 to 2002: American Planes bomb Iraq on a weekly basis. UN estimates 500,000 Iraqi children die from bombings and sanctions.

2000 to 2001: US gives Taliban Ruled Afghanistan 245 Million American Dollars in "aid".

2001 sep. 11th : Osama Bin Laden uses his expert CIA training to murder 3000 people.

now with this in mind you really can't deny why the rest of the world sees americans as dumb barbarians killing everything for their own profit?
these are all FACTS. And i've seen some dumbass rasist comments in here and generally on american websites .
I haven't even mentioned the 56 days of bombing over Serbia......the US bombed the shit out of Serbia and then who had to build it up again? Europe...that's who and we figure we'll get stuck with the bill after the US is finished with Iraq.
Don't get me wrong......I don't hate AMERICANS but what i do hate is the US GOVORMENT and it's two-faced crap.

Enough said.......just think about it.
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Re: A not so simple answer to a simple question.
Low spark is Offline
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Default Re: A not so simple answer to a simple question. - 03-18-2003, 11:57 PM

Originally Posted by BloodBorn
A while ago an american asked me "why do europeans hate us so much?".
as i replied "we don't hate you....we just don't like what your govorment is doing all over the world" .
this simpel answer spurred up a lively discussion that didn't lead anywhere.
now.....i'm gonna take it up here
and also answer with a few facts of what the world sees in american foreign poilitics.
now keep in mind....this is about one tenth of what the US govorment has done to the world in the past 50 years. (and these are all facts so if any smartass asks "show me some evidence" then just watch the flick Bowling For Columbine and you'll get your hard cold facts there, i took it off there just for that reason)

1953: US overthrows Priminister Mossadeq Of Iran.
US installs Shan as dictator.
1954: US overthrows democratically elected President Arbenz of Guatamala - 200,000 civilians killed.

1963: US backs assasination of South Vietnamese President Diem.

1963-75: American Military kills 4 million people in Southeast Asia.

1973 Sep 11th : US stages a coup in Chile. Democratically elected President Slavador Allende assasinated. Dictator Augusto Pinochet installed. 5000 Chilieans murderd.

1977: US backs military rulers of El Salvador. 70,000 Salvadoreans And 4 American nuns killed.

1980: US trains Osama Bin Laden and fellow terrorists to kill Soviets. CIA gives them 3 Billion American Dollars.

1981: Reagan Administration train and fund "contras" . 30,000 Nicaraguans killed.

1982: US provides billions in aid to Saddam hussein for weapons to kill Iranians.

1983: White House secretly gives Iran weapons to kill Iraqis.

1989: CIA Agent Manuel Noriega (Also serving as President of Panama) disobeys orders from Washington. US invades Panama and removes Noriega. 3000 Panamanian Civilian casulties.

1990: Iraq invades kuwait with weapons from US.

1991: US enters Iraq, Bush reinstates Dictator of Kuwait.

1998: Clinton bombs "weapons factory" in Sudan. Factory turns out to be making Aspirin.

1991 to 2002: American Planes bomb Iraq on a weekly basis. UN estimates 500,000 Iraqi children die from bombings and sanctions.

2000 to 2001: US gives Taliban Ruled Afghanistan 245 Million American Dollars in "aid".

2001 sep. 11th : Osama Bin Laden uses his expert CIA training to murder 3000 people.

now with this in mind you really can't deny why the rest of the world sees americans as dumb barbarians killing everything for their own profit?
these are all FACTS. And i've seen some dumbass rasist comments in here and generally on american websites .
I haven't even mentioned the 56 days of bombing over Serbia......the US bombed the shit out of Serbia and then who had to build it up again? Europe...that's who and we figure we'll get stuck with the bill after the US is finished with Iraq.
Don't get me wrong......I don't hate AMERICANS but what i do hate is the US GOVORMENT and it's two-faced crap.

Enough said.......just think about it.
Now they question is can you name who in the present administraion was involved in these three events.
1981: Reagan Administration train and fund "contras" . 30,000 Nicaraguans killed.

1982: US provides billions in aid to Saddam hussein for weapons to kill Iranians.

1983: White House secretly gives Iran weapons to kill Iraqis.
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Slaggg is Offline
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Default 03-19-2003, 12:06 AM

Wouldn't that be Bush Sr., former head of the CIA?
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BloodBorn is Offline
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Default 03-19-2003, 12:09 AM

yes.......whenever a bush is involved it has something to do with Iraq And oil.
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Default 03-19-2003, 12:10 AM

i dont give a shit what anybody else says about americans. frankly i just dont give a fuck. the truth is if your not an american keep you mouth shut and move to france.
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BloodBorn is Offline
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Default 03-19-2003, 12:18 AM

[quote="T.Hunter":808c9]i dont give a shit what anybody else says about americans. frankly i just dont give a fuck. the truth is if your not an american keep you mouth shut and move to france.[/quote:808c9]

that was a very enlightening answer.
what are you? 11 or 12?
have you ever read a book?
have you ever seen anything else on the news then domestic things (unless it has to do with big bad terrorists)?
do you have a clue what is going on around in the world or is the world the US in your eyes?
if so then i pity you for being so narrowminded and ignorant.
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Low spark is Offline
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Default 03-19-2003, 12:21 AM

Originally Posted by Slaggg
Wouldn't that be Bush Sr., former head of the CIA?
You forgot to mention Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld.
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Default 03-19-2003, 12:22 AM

Ah yes, the 'Old Schoolers'
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Default 03-19-2003, 12:26 AM

[quote="T.Hunter":44420]i dont give a shit what anybody else says about americans. frankly i just dont give a fuck. the truth is if your not an american keep you mouth shut and move to france.[/quote:44420]

making france the strongest country in the world...if everyone moves to france who isn't'd know who would be the strongest.

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Low spark is Offline
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Default 03-19-2003, 12:36 AM

[quote="T.Hunter":27f3e]i dont give a shit what anybody else says about americans. frankly i just dont give a fuck. the truth is if your not an american keep you mouth shut and move to france.[/quote:27f3e]

Well I am an american. And I welcome anyones views whether they agree with me or not. I am not always right, my country is not always right. If I shut my eyes to the rest of the world am I better man for it? So basically I do give a shit what anybody else says about Americal good or bad.
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Drew is Offline
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Default 03-19-2003, 12:44 AM

Okay, you know what, I was going to keep quiet, but I'm going to say something here.

I can't think of a single government in the world which has never been involved in a less-than-ethical exchange at one time or another. Except maybe the government of Fiji.

The United States' grasp is just far-reaching enough that we are involved in more large-scale affairs than the average country. The only nation even coming close to the US in size, stature, and international influence is Russia. And they've been selling nukes to people left and right for years. Along with submarines and lots of other assorted, dangerous crap.

France and Germany? High-level members of both governments have admitted that.. *gasp* ..the nations were motivated by economical involvements in the Middle East. Well I'll be damned. Guess Schroeder and Chirac are oil cowboys too, then.

You want to bash my nation? Bash my fucking nation. But take a good God damned long look at your own group of sissy governments who lack the balls to stand up to any dictator who isn't already shitting in their houses and raping their women and children.

And you Europeans who think you are high and God damned mighty. Get off your horse. We are all equal in the end of things, and my blood runs just as red as yours. You just remember that their are fields of my brothers whom now lay silenced for eternity, so that you didn't have to grow up speaking German. Like it or not, the people of the United States once fought bravely and died just as bravely liberating your nations, and you owe those soldiers, their children, and their children's children your respect. Fucking liberals.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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Default 03-19-2003, 12:50 AM

[quote:e9d3a] Okay, you know what, I was going to keep quiet, but I'm going to say something here.

I can't think of a single government in the world which has never been involved in a less-than-ethical exchange at one time or another. Except maybe the government of Fiji.

The United States' grasp is just far-reaching enough that we are involved in more large-scale affairs than the average country. The only nation even coming close to the US in size, stature, and international influence is Russia. And they've been selling nukes to people left and right for years. Along with submarines and lots of other assorted, dangerous crap.

France and Germany? High-level members of both governments have admitted that.. *gasp* ..the nations were motivated by economical involvements in the Middle East. Well I'll be damned. Guess Schroeder and Chirac are oil cowboys too, then.

You want to bash my nation? Bash my fucking nation. But take a good God damned long look at your own group of sissy governments who lack the balls to stand up to any dictator who isn't already shitting in their houses and raping their women and children.

And you Europeans who think you are high and God damned mighty. Get off your horse. We are all equal in the end of things, and my blood runs just as red as yours. You just remember that their are fields of my brothers whom now lay silenced for eternity, so that you didn't have to grow up speaking German. Like it or not, the people of the United States once fought bravely and died just as bravely liberating your nations, and you owe those soldiers, their children, and their children's children your respect. Fucking liberals. [/quote:e9d3a]

I hereby nominate Captain Noctis Aeternus for Secretary of State.
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Low spark is Offline
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Default 03-19-2003, 12:57 AM

[quote="Captain Noctis Aeternus":ec4b1]Okay, you know what, I was going to keep quiet, but I'm going to say something here.

I can't think of a single government in the world which has never been involved in a less-than-ethical exchange at one time or another. Except maybe the government of Fiji.

The United States' grasp is just far-reaching enough that we are involved in more large-scale affairs than the average country. The only nation even coming close to the US in size, stature, and international influence is Russia. And they've been selling nukes to people left and right for years. Along with submarines and lots of other assorted, dangerous crap.

France and Germany? High-level members of both governments have admitted that.. *gasp* ..the nations were motivated by economical involvements in the Middle East. Well I'll be damned. Guess Schroeder and Chirac are oil cowboys too, then.

You want to bash my nation? Bash my fucking nation. But take a good God damned long look at your own group of sissy governments who lack the balls to stand up to any dictator who isn't already shitting in their houses and raping their women and children.

And you Europeans who think you are high and God damned mighty. Get off your horse. We are all equal in the end of things, and my blood runs just as red as yours. You just remember that their are fields of my brothers whom now lay silenced for eternity, so that you didn't have to grow up speaking German. Like it or not, the people of the United States once fought bravely and died just as bravely liberating your nations, and you owe those soldiers, their children, and their children's children your respect. Fucking liberals.[/quote:ec4b1]
They are free to bash any nation they want to. My fathers friends and comrades are laying in those fields. I am sick of your kind and this because we were there you owes today. I bet you don;t think we owe the blacks for taking them from the homeland and enslaving them. You people scream about how you all for freedeom, but some how people shouldn't be free to disagree with us. Gee I wonder why the rest of the world think we are a bunch of arrogant assholes.
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BloodBorn is Offline
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Default 03-19-2003, 01:00 AM

[quote="Captain Noctis Aeternus":bad19]Okay, you know what, I was going to keep quiet, but I'm going to say something here.

I can't think of a single government in the world which has never been involved in a less-than-ethical exchange at one time or another. Except maybe the government of Fiji.

The United States' grasp is just far-reaching enough that we are involved in more large-scale affairs than the average country. The only nation even coming close to the US in size, stature, and international influence is Russia. And they've been selling nukes to people left and right for years. Along with submarines and lots of other assorted, dangerous crap.

France and Germany? High-level members of both governments have admitted that.. *gasp* ..the nations were motivated by economical involvements in the Middle East. Well I'll be damned. Guess Schroeder and Chirac are oil cowboys too, then.

You want to bash my nation? Bash my fucking nation. But take a good God damned long look at your own group of sissy governments who lack the balls to stand up to any dictator who isn't already shitting in their houses and raping their women and children.

And you Europeans who think you are high and God damned mighty. Get off your horse. We are all equal in the end of things, and my blood runs just as red as yours. You just remember that their are fields of my brothers whom now lay silenced for eternity, so that you didn't have to grow up speaking German. Like it or not, the people of the United States once fought bravely and died just as bravely liberating your nations, and you owe those soldiers, their children, and their children's children your respect. Fucking liberals.[/quote:bad19]

are you insane?

first country, NO COUNTRY has done the same amount of damage to other countries (and thier own) as the US Of A has.
Second.....we owe you our respect?
for what......for dropping to two NUCLEAR BOMBS on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (both Civilian Cities - more then a million casulites of INNOCENTS).
we are high all mighty europeans?
let me ask you this.......where do you originate from? hell no, not from the US, you're roots lay in eiher Europe, Asia or Africa. Thing is........i see americans as europeans that got twisted by a greedy and Nationalistic govorment.
Fine....the one without sin shall cast the first stone. That means NO ONE should be killing anyone.......but let's face it, The US govorment has done a LOT of crap to other countries and finally we are getting tierd of it.
We are getting tierd of being bullied around by Uncle Sam and The Soldiers From the hive. there might be a war, what happens after it? have you even given that a thought? i'm afraid of what ruler will be installed in Iraq by the US.

There is a right way to handle the saddam situation and there is a wrong way......bush is doing it the VERY wrong way.

Think About It!

(might just sound like a rambling but it's 06:49 here)
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Default 03-19-2003, 01:07 AM

Oh you mean, sick of people who speak up because they are tired of being spat upon because they were born in the United States?

Or maybe people who are just a little tired of all these people thinking they are high and mighty because they aren't American?

Canadians and Europeans thinking that I'm somehow I'm less of a person or less intelligent because I choose to support my country's actions, even when maybe I don't agree with them entirely?

Or have we all chosen to simply forget the fact that societies are built upon disagreements, compromises, and in the end, support of one another?

Europe is engulfed in liberalism. Communism with a more pleasant terminology. This isn't a perfect world. Wake up.

And I think anyone should be able to voice an opinion, but in a respectful manner. Seems like most of the posts are "Bush is retarded and Americans are sheep." So yeah, I get peeved, and I have every right to do so. Anyone wants a civil argument, I'm up for that as well.

But I tell you this much. I can't wait for the next European war. It should be great fun to sit in front of TV and watch the fireworks while the French beg for our help.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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