01-19-2002, 06:28 AM
.....well the single player demo anyway.i'm just having too many problems with it,not the game as i've completed the demo but my pc can't cope.my pc should run it perfectly as its a p4,1.5ghz,256ram,geforce2 64mb mx400,win ME.its the fps,the minimized screen it goes to now when i load up a game after it also trys to connect me to the net!
i give up,lets jus hope for my sake the full game can sort out these problems once and for all.it playable but runs poorly,i should be getting at least 30 fps but can only get about 20 max.as i've said,it should run great if you look at the minimum specs.oh i feel terrible,well if anyone can shed light on my predicament then feel free......
ps-all detail on max,800x600=about 20fps!!!
all my drivers are updated and i am not going to turn anything down as thats just disrespecting my pc
mr.meyagi(as he wipes a tear from his eye)