Getting over gate in Ardennes TOW -
04-01-2003, 09:52 PM
I was playing on my clan server a few days ago when i saw something i thought was impossible to do. I saw some guy Jump over the gate using a tree to get himself over. I was wondering if anyone here could give me instructions on how to do it, Assuming any of u guys know how to do it.
heh jk though, its really simple, just get a runnign start off the stairs on the other side, jump towards the gate, and, with any luck, you should be able to go over.
The player that I saw go over the gate was allied.....
This player jumped at the tree and over the gate from the allied side.... bigzooka: fire2: M16: angel: mwah: cry: oOo: evil: eek: freak: zooka: zooka: zooka: zooka: swordfight: swordfight: mwah:
I thought it was pretty neat, but i was far away when he did it so icouldnt c very well. Too bad, cause it could prove to be a tactical advantage.
He climbed the tree on the allied side of the gate, and just to the right. then he hopped on the pilar and then jumped off on the other side. I have tried to do this but i cant get high enough to get on the pilar. bu i have been getting higher. mwah: