Germans needed a weapon to counter the effect that the garand and the carbine had.. its semi automatic capabilities outdid the mauser 98k by far and the gewehr 43(which in its turn was a successor to the gewehr 41) was developed and issued to large nrs of troops. I hope the developers of mohaa do not forget to include this rifle, since the weapon balance is not quite fair.
The choice of the Sturmgewehr 44 as a machinegun has surprised me to say the least. It looks like they have copied the idea straight from Dod? The Stg44 was an ASSAULT rifle, not a machinegun such as the BAR, and besides that not at all common in france '44.
Of course, the counterpart of the BAR is the FG42, originally issued to german paratroopers, a light machinegun with a 20 round box...... why did they miss this obvious weapon for their game???
Hell was full, so I came back....