Hi I'm Ohgr ( well duh

) just finished the MoH single player demo ( on hard, what else

) didn't take as long as I'd expected, just over an hour. Anyway I've done a lil bit of editing for ye all which I'll upload later tonight hopefully. Oh and by the way I specialise in digital art. Heres what I've done/doing :
- currently editing the hand skin to a pair of old combat gloves ( not finished yet ) -
- Edited the panzershreck skin with a more batter used and rusted looking skin ( will work into it more if you give me feedback )-
- Changed the colt45 weapon sound because it was crap, now it sounds beefer -
- Edited the blood so instead of just a grey or red spray ( if you've updated ) there's now a noticable bloody splatter ( and a spray. Still working on it though, but its basicly finished ) -
One final question, should I put all these into one Pak3 file for you all or separate them so you can pick + choose...or both ?