guys i was on the lol sh clanserver and suddenly i saw this guy with flames coming out of his hands. I was like has he got an x men 2 mod on? and said or is he cheating. They said it was an flamethrower which you could download at there website. So i downloaded it and its great! You have to drop you shotgun(only works on lol server) and then press 4 and your flame thrower should be there, and it never runs out of ammo!
right i will get the ip for u guys Ow and if you didnt no its only for spearhead and heres the website to download it at [url:90861][/url:90861] I think thats it if any probelms with da link pm me
Yeah, the thing i most love about it is that when you die(if you have shot the flames at the enermy that killed you) it still burns so if you did it in a area where your enermy was it would burn there so if you died it would still kill em!