CKR 1.1 : MG-Whores Be Gone. -
05-20-2003, 10:57 AM
I have heard alot of complaining lately on various sites, about everyone using only MGs while playing with CKR 1.1. So, I took it upon myself to make a fix for all of this complaining. For those of you who could live without the godly MGs, I have for you CKR 1.1 with the MGs removed from the equation.
Make sure you read the Readme!.txt attached. Also, if you want to actually run this on your server, simply put CKR (noMG) or something to that effect, in your servername so that clients will know what is going on.
The time of reconning is upon you! Abandon your religions, spend all your money, commit all the crimes you've ever wanted. My army of demons is on its way to destory those who oppose me!!! For I am Akuma, son of Satan and heir to the Throne of Hell!
i dunno. i mean ppl block shoties, block rockets, now ppl r blocking mgs. whats next? thats half of the weapons! besides if u play in matches ur not aloud to block mgs and stuff unless the other ppl agree are u?
who gives a shit about what people conplain about. geezsus now mgs are gone? i give you respect powell for making the mod. but serriously this is getting outa hand.
I don't see much bars in-game :P ever :P there's more stg44 users.. I think people jus use bars to even it out when there's too many stg44 uses.. I think the bar should stay. Make it's firerate even slower if you want to. biggrin: