help with models on a skin? -
05-24-2003, 05:34 AM
now, i am doing a puttin together a player skin for someone, it is an airborne skin with a grenade and knife. Now you i have the models made for these but, the skin dosn't work. cry: Can anyone help i think i have done everything right i have place the skd,skc and lod file in models/weapons/m2fraggrenade and the knife in models/weapons/knife
and in the tik file i have written in eek: does it look right?
path models/weapons/m2fraggrenade
skelmodel finnish_grenade.skd
surface finnish_grenade shader finnish_grenade
path models/weapons/knife
skelmodel finnish_grenade.skd
surface finnish_knife shader finnish_knife
can anyone correct me if this is wrong?
well, thank-you to anyone who is willing to help
P.S. If you wanna see what is wrong i will send you the .pk3 also mohaa_rox and game creators made the models for juha can you guys help
thanx again