For those of you who have been wondering how you can change the weaponname without editing the localization.txt file, here is a tutorial for you :
(Using BAR as an example)
1. Open the Pak0/ui folder and make a copy of the
hud_ammo_bar.urc file. Make sure to copy it into your own /ui folder. (Of course if you have another weapon, the .urc file will be named for that weapon.)
2. Now, open your copy of
hud_ammo_bar.urc and scroll down to the last section, which should be the
weaponname section.
3. Right below the line that says
name "weaponname", add in this line, replacing WeaponNameHere with the name you want to use for the weapon :
title "WeaponNameHere"
4. Now, below your new line you will see a line that says
itemstat 1. Delete that line, as that line is what tells the game to show the real name of the gun you are using, which in this case would be
5. Now, save the .urc file and pack it up with the rest of your mod and your new weapon will have it's own name without messing around with anything complicated.
Oh and no worries. This is a clientside change, so no need to worry about the server having it as well.
If you are having any problems with this, add me to your MSN Messenger by adding to your contactlist.
I will be making an official tutorial covering this and hopefully it will be posted on a couple of sites shortly. Thanks and good luck.