Hey guys, was wonderin, anyone got the RE:Remake and RE: ZERO. I hear they are awsome but before I go spending $200 on a Gamecube and 2 RE games I wanna know if they are as good as reviews and people say they are.
Love RE....just beat Code Veronica again and been playing the Combat mode. I am REALLY wanting to play the ones on gamecube for the graphics and the feel of the mansion. Code: X got me wanting to play the orginal so much its not funny...
And even if you have some extra cash, I think they ported RE2 and 3 for Gamcube also. (Mind you, it's just a port. The graphics are just a bit smoother, nothing massive like the RE1 Remake)
well I had RE2 on 64, if I wanted the old RE2 I woulda kept the n64.....If it is gonna get remaked like 1 with new graphics and shit then hell yea it will own.
I ALSO agree, Resident Evil 2 was boss.
It'd be so freaking awesome if they did a remake of it.
Well, we have Resident Evil 4 to look forward to, It's going to have Leon in it. And the E3 video of RE4 just looks awesome.
RE was a fun game, pity about the ham voice acting, though.
I remember my mate and me shitting bricks when that first zombied doberman leaps through the window.
After that though, both RE and RE2 ceased to scare. You get very used to the formula and after a while it definitely loses the tension that you felt at the beginning of the original.
RE2 definitely lost the scare factor... it was far too "in-yer-face" to be scary.
Still, great games with good stories, minus the lame acting.
I've kind of "evolved" from that kind of game, now though... I just can't pay £45 for a game that I'll be shelving in 2-3 weeks. The replay value of RE and its peers is slim (same game, slighlty different route, or "whooooo" a different skin!).