Originally Posted by "Old Reliable":d1e3a
its really sad you dn't know what the battle of the bulge was, yet you post on the forum that deals with a WW 2 game
I`m sorry i`m not like you wasting my time on a forum.
I have a life, sports, school, just got my license, yet of course you badger me when i have the balls to go in to this forum and ask for help omfg what an ass i am.....Jesus christ dude.
You probably just say that shit cause you dont know? jk..lol
I guess you either don't pay attention is school or your history teacher is a fucking moron, or whoever set the curriculum is a fucking moron.
At my school they mentioned the Battle of the Bulge in enough detail to know why they named it that.
Schools are getting more and more to where they less and less time teaching and more and more time on sports, political correctness, and turning the kids into sniveling,grabasstic civilian messes just like the school board members