01-15-2002, 03:51 AM
The only thing that I have found that doesn't seem realistic about MOHAA (and I absolutely 100% LOVE this game - the DEMO anyway) is the fact that you have access to so many different weapons. Any normal human being could not carry a 10 pound M1 Garand rifle, a 12 pound Springfield sniper rifle, a 16 pound BAR, a Thompson SM and a Colt 45, and a Bazooka and easily get around. Physically impossible. In future MOHAA games, I'd like to see the realism increased where you can only carry the *single* weapon and sidearm of your choice with ammo - sort of like the Delta Force or Clancy games... Granted, I don't have to switch arms in the middle of a level but because they're there, I sometimes do. Oh well, I am a purist, yes, so shoot me. But I'll be trying to shoot you back, lol. :-)
Dave T
Thank you U.S. WWII combat veterans