Hey K-9NeXuS,
Thanks for the offer But sorry its not for sale..
However, the M48-A's can be had on online firearm auction sites for around $125- $220 depending on condtion.
They are all over the place... These M48-A's and the M48's around are frequent in unissued condition complete with Original accessories.. Cleaning kit, Bayo, 2 pocket leather mag pouch and Sling...etc
Take a look at
http://www.auctionarms.com and put in keyword "mauser" in the search.
You'll see offers for Yugos, turks, Chechz and up to original German mausers with the waffen markings still intact.. Granted, for an orginal German K98 mauser, you're looking in the price range of $800 and up.
The action of these mausers are amazingly strong.
They yugos liek the one i have were made by the yugoslavs on captured german tooling in late and post WWII. They also bear the Yugo communist crest.
Good luck!