07-08-2003, 05:29 PM
If you want to edit the regular game maps heres how to do it.
All you need is PSP and Pakscape, just load up a picture u want for the load screen, edit it how u want, and save it as a TGA. Now open Pakscape make a new .pak. add a new folder named Textures, then add a subfolder to Textures called mohmenu, then add a subfolder called dmloading for TDM/DM maps, or objloading for OBJ maps. Put the pictures in the TDM/DM or OBJ with the corresponding loading screens for the name of the map.
i.e. mohdm1 for Southern France or mohdm2 for Destroyed Village, or for obj's objdm5 for Omaha Beach, so on and so forth
Then save the .pak and put it in your MOHHA or SH main/mainta folders and your good to go!