I was wondering. What ever happened to those maps with the usable flaks, the drivable trucks and tanks, and all the other items that were a "revolution" to mohaa?
They might have been made and distributed for all i know. I haven't payed much attention to those maps. If someone could update me, i'd appreciate it
Newt is correct. The drivable vehicles had many glitches and the scripting required seriously impacted performance. The cannon worked pretty well, but you are simply no match for a sniper, or most other weapon for that matter. If you managed to get a shot off, odds are really high you'd never get a chance to try a second.
This'd be cool but it would prolly lag like a moe on the net. Well... u could always ah... whats it called... transfer or whatever the scripts from bf1942 and use that. It might work biggrin: