Some on need to get ur ass some more beer. and here either a a1 or a2 i would like the a1 lit lloks like this, the a1 basic the same w/out the nade gun part.i -would like it all black- there for all u who dont know what it looks like thanks
Some on need to get ur ass some more beer. and here either a a1 or a2 i would like the a1 lit lloks like this, the a1 basic the same w/out the nade gun part.i -would like it all black- there for all u who dont know what it looks like thanks
Some on need to get ur ass some more beer. and here either a a1 or a2 i would like the a1 lit lloks like this, the a1 basic the same w/out the nade gun part.i -would like it all black- there for all u who dont know what it looks like thanks
This post has been brought to you by the n00benstein foundation. The foundation for really fucked up posts
Sorry but i posted that at like 5 in the moring. And why do you guy have to always cuss and stuff like that...if you think your cool your not so dont do that. also duff guy, if there is a m16 in the weapons skin than point it out for me because when i looked tho them all i didint see the mod at all
if u say any thing about me just remeber.... ill cut you into small little pieces... that would evan make cry: jason cry: dont mad: say shit!@!!!
Location: On the phone with badscript. ..what's that badscript? No I won't have sex with you to ban joe!
07-19-2003, 02:24 AM
ahh don't cry son, just learn to steal the models from CS players who spent weeks perfecting it on their own, release it and put your name in his place like a good little aa.commer
How about you just tell me were i could get the skin or osme one do it cuz i have no idea what the hell an aa is all that shit so could some make it or convert it for me ? eatthis: