I was browsing the Quake 3 newsgroup and this guy said the following:
Topic Name:
"[OT] MOHAA Omaha Beach landing question. WTF am I supposed to do?? Dead in 5 seconds."
"I'm playing at the hard level and just as soon as the doors open on the transport boat, we all drop like flies. I mean, what am I supposed to do? I'm 10 steps out before I get mowed down by the hail of bullets. I tried following another soldier, feeling a bit like a coward, but still die within 5 seconds. Has anyone been able to get to the beach at least? This is just impossible.
So far though, the game's awesome! I love it! I think it's way better than RTCW, IMHO. Don't know how the MP will be like, but so far, it kicks ass."
Someone else replied saying:
i just finished this level on "medium".
here`s how i did it: try to get ASAP to some cover (duck behind) -> the barriers
on the beach (metal thingies) don`t look like much BUT they actually give you cover if you stay behind them! you just have to advance step by step from one to another.
and on the right side on the beach there is a medic which will recharge you to 100% health. i recommend to quicksave (F5) every time you are in cover. and beware! if you stay too long in one place you might
get hit by mortar rounds! it`s hard but it`s NOT impossible
good luck ^_^
I guess they are talking about an illegal version.. but anyways.. hurry up Jan 22nd!