the texas chainsaw massacre -
07-27-2003, 02:51 PM
it looks like a good horor movie
i havennt seen the others but this new one looks cool
watch the trailer
anyone know what these movies are about?, like the old ones
After seeing the trailer for the new one I remember somemore.
The kids are going to a graveyard because someone's father was buried there and there had been some graving robbings. Their car breaks down outside of the house of a canibalistic family. The family tries to kill the teens. Oh yeah, and it accually is based on a true story.
Its been a good 8 years since I've seen TCM so if you want to know more, do some research.
The original TCM was a touchstone in the world of horror movies. By far one of the creepiest films I've ever seen.
The trailer for the remake looks slick, but there were two words that indicate to me that this one won't surpass the original: Michael Bay.
Bay can do action sequences, but I wonder if he can set mood, atmosphere, and suspense. I guess we'll see. I have my doubts. At least Tobe Hooper is involved.
If you have to ask who Tobe Hooper is, shame on you...heh heh. biggrin: