any good modellers that wil be willing to help come here -
08-04-2003, 08:20 PM
ok me and a few friends in {CE} r makin a mod like CN. ours is robbery. its mafia 1930s based. its obj. the axis have to blow up the bank, and allies have to stop it. the allies will start in bank and/or police station. the axis will start in a hideout. bothe teams will have weapons on the walls at the spawning point. i will provide screenshots when we take some. i have one of the bank the first day (but it was the first day). but if some1 would like to help plz lemme know by pming me, emailin me, Iming me on aim or yahoo. somehow contact me if u wanna help. o and one more thing, U WILL GET FULL CREDIT FOR ANYTHING U MAKE!!!!!! ANYTHING!!!!!!! if u wanna help ill let u know wat weapons we would like u to make. and if u agree but rip some1 elses mod or skin we will get revenge. i want this to be a fun mod and i, personally, wanted to use mafia weapons. it would be a fun match... but if u would like to contribbute to this mod in anyway plz tell me wat u want to do and ill tell u if we have done it or if we have some1 doing it. we have a mapper so we need mostly anything else. i can mod and we have the crosshair and alie scope, and other stuff.