the 2nd map ive released tonight, the 2nd of 4 coming out this week
its set in italy, just outside the Salerno, i dont know the year the allies invaded, but this is set in that year. its a quiet italian village, where no fighting has gone on yet, so nothing blown up or destroyed. the map is laid out with each team spawning at each end, and then they meet in the middle. theres loads of ways to the middle of the map, thru buildings and across balconies, and loads of ways to switch between each different path. it uses about 20 custom textures, aswell as a new skybox.
the map is also based on the dod map, dod_avalanche, one of the best maps in the game [until v1.0 took out the invisable ledge]. its also got the dod anti-spawncamping thing. you spawn inside a building, and the only way out is the windows. theyre not so high that you get injured jumping out tho, but high enough to keep out the other team. the allies also have a wall around theyre spawn building [a cafe] which only they can jump over.
and if you cant guess from the map name, there is going to be another Italy map
this is still beta, and has had a full compile, and no is_leafgroups etc, ill add those after. this version is just so i can find any bugs in it. i think its impossible to get under the map (every roof and wall has a clip brush over it a few 1000 units high), but there might be other bugs. one bug i do know is that theres an invisable wall in the house by the canal on the allied side, above the stairs
anyway, heres the map:
and heres some screens. some are from when it was still being made, so theres stuff missing. the nearer they are to the bottom, the newer they are: