[quote="Pvt Flagg":00538]the bar rules ..but i think realisum shold make it a little more realistic ..Big Ass Recoial ..the bar fires a .308 cal round (same round used the the springfieald model 1903) and hits like a truck ..but fire more than 40 or 50 rounds through it to fast and the barrel heats up and you cant hit squat ..
The BAR and M1903 fired .30-06 cartridges, it was the standard america rifle caliber.
how do i know this you ask ..it helps to own one
You own shit.
the thompson ..now thats a mans gun .....45 cal pistol rounds ..at 50 feet your gona drop someone with 1 shot ..at 50 yards you will be lucky to hit them ...
Again, you're talking out of your ass.
the mouser 7mm (aka Kar-98) good gun if your trying to shoot doun a bi-plane ..remember these guns were made for world war 1 ..and thay were great guns ..but had a big problem with chambering ..
The Mauser Karabiner 98kurtz fired 7.92mm shells. I happen to own one and I've never had problems with chambering a round, and the bloody thing is over 60 years old.
winchester model 1895 trenchbroom ...should i say more ..this gun isent made to be a sniper rifle ...its made for clearing trenches ..and did its job very well ..
The Trench broom was the Thompson's nickname, and I think you're trying to refer to the Winchester M-12 trenchgun.
now im just telling you what the REAL guns are like ..and if you want true realisum ..someone neads to check the guns out and make a mod that works like the REAL guns ...
You know shit.
but being a gun colector ..i would think that
BB guns do not count.
Thank you for giving me a laugh, that is by far the most falsified post I've heard in awhile.