owned. id say you either your computer is shutting itself down for a good reason (over heating or something?) or you have a virus. im betting that simo h4x0red j00.
gg msblast.exe worm
easily to delete. go to your reg edit
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/windows/current version/run/msblast.exe and delete that
then ctrl + alt + del and stop msblast.exe from running
go to c:windows/system32/msblast.exe and delete it.
ya, it happened to my grandmas comp...she came over like 2 days ago and told me to fix it and I said I didn't know what the hell it was...and now I know...so it's all good.
Enable those firewalls if you plan on going online. I got it too, norton bagged the worm and I still get that, I turned off my firewall and it no longer shuts down my computer.
Location: AA.com North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
08-12-2003, 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by Pyro
ya, it happened to my grandmas comp...she came over like 2 days ago and told me to fix it and I said I didn't know what the hell it was...and now I know...so it's all good.
ya, it happened to my grandmas comp...she came over like 2 days ago and told me to fix it and I said I didn't know what the hell it was...and now I know...so it's all good.