Originally Posted by Zoner
Ralph, try contacting EA directly or have a poke around the official site.
The official Aspyr Media website contains the 1.14 patch. I am looking for the 1.11.
I am not looking for the official new patch, I am looking on AA.com to see if any Mac users will be kind enough to send me the original 1.11 patch.
After downlaoding and installing this new 1.14 patch I was not pleased with how long the interface took to load, or the speed at which the game ran.
When I speak of how fast it ran, I am not talking about fps, but rather the loading times in between ,and even speed between different option menus.
I understand also, because of frequent responses to questions I ask, that very few people in any forum respect Macintosh computers, or the people that buy and use them.
I have no problem with people voicing their opinions, but it really is unfourtunate for people to bash someone for the kinda of system they use.
Unless you are the holy godness of PC users out there, just fall inline with society and refrain from trying to make yourself out to being on a higher plain.
Show me a picture of your PC with: Albatron PX865PE board, Pentium 4 3.20 GHz HyperThread Chip, Antec Sonata 380, 2.0 GB of DDR RAM, Raedeon 9800, and all sorts of other cool stuff, and I might be pleased. Honestly I really don't care what you have, so why should you?
I can't understand ruining a community of MOHAA users, based on negativity towards the systems people use. beer: