i am planning on making a medal of honor palm site that has a lot of stuff. stuff like the state of the community (like how mohadmin is doing, how aa.com is doing, cheat prevention etc.) different strategys and tips and stuff, new good looking mods, we will most the skin of the week from M/M/S forum and much much more! it will be pretty neat.
well if you have a palm go ahead and download the avantgo web thingy at
http://www.avantgo.com. its free and really really cool. u can pick websites for ur palm to get, its really neat. anyway ur palm can be an old pos like my m105, or it could be a really good Zire 71 it doesnt matter.
well if anyone would like the write some articles about what ever in moh world let me know!
i believe this works for some cell phones too.. i will post the first page soon on the Avantgo site, but i will probably make it for download here too... but sign up for avantgo anyway its AWESOME!