Hey everyone,
I just want to apolgize to a few people for some thigns I may have said:
First, Hell In the Pacific Mod, If i bashed your mod in anyway i apologize, I may have made some comments not really needed......
i added my two cents on what i think should be changed and what i felt about it and im sure in teh next release of your mod it wil be great....
Modern Warfare team will also help out with some reloads if you need them after we release ours...... we are always willing to help out a TC
Maybe even some models if we have time...... The point is is that i love the plot and idea of your mod, I will be glad to help in any way
possible........ I look forward to your mod as a modder to a modder........ Good Luck Hell In the Pacific Mod
City Nights, well there is a lot going on between our two similar mods and I hope it isnt because of something immature I may have said..
If it was I apologize......... I love your idea as much as I love our idea......... i wasnt keen on imported weapons.... i accept that, but I
also know that you give the credits where needed which i think is awesome..... We also had an opportunity to merge mods and create a
kick ass mod with our maps and weapons and your maps and help with reloads and anims we would have a sweet mod to be released...
I think the idea is alright now that i think about it and wish i didnt give you guys hell and screw everything over...... the offer is there
if you decide to change your minds............. I wish you all good luck and I dont want any hard feelings....... i will act more professional in
these issues and more mature, I wish you all good luck and I look forward to your next release if there is one....
I also apologize to anyone else who I may have said something about there mods........ We are trying to help Mohaa out of this slump.....
Lets get our mods done and lets sit back and watch EA see our success in Modding........ good luck and I hope you guys will like our
mod which is to be released within a month or so....
- Double U