I thought after Code Veronica, RE was done. None of the games that have come out has interested me. When they brought up the idea of taking RE online, I thought - gimme a freaking break. If you're searching for keys, etc - all you need to do is memorize item locations and you're all set. Oh how wrong I was.
Appearantly there will be a number of characters to choose from and youll have to weigh certain things like "Propensity to being attacked by Zombies" as well as "Speed". At the onset you are all appearantly "alive", but the more hits you take from Zombies, the higher the virus level rises in you, until you die. Game over. . .
No. You respawn as a zombie and then it's munching time. So far this is the only level of gameplay we've been made privvy to, but their will be herbs and keys, and possibly other little tasks the characters need to help each other with. If they toss in some nemesis's that would be cool too, but I wont hold my breath. The "trailer" for this game looks IN FUCKING CREDIBLE. Grab them here at game trailers -
Im pretty hung over.