hi can you help me please i runn a clan call =6thA= my name is Bravo 1 imwithstupid:
i see you are great at your scripts can you piont me in the right direction about makjeing a script that will have info messages coming up on our dedicated spearhead server
as we would like to jazz it up abit
i allready have auto kicker doing messages but if we can get messages on the middle of the screen and under the compass it would look good in differant colours would be call i know it can be donei have seen it on other servers but i dont know where to start hellfire:
if you could help or even point me to a web site it would be great
1st u need to make a script and call it for example server_message.scr and put in it something like this:
setcvar "g_mymessage" "1" // allows you to turn message OFF/ON
level waittill spawn
local.mess1 = "Hello Buddies"
local.mess2 = "This Is My Server"
local.mess3 = "Visit Our Website"
local.mess4 = "Please email me"
while (1) // while condition remains true. In this case the "if" statement
if (getcvar (g_mymessage) =="1")
wait .1
iprintln local.mess1 \n local.mess2 // Prints 2 lines that fades together
wait 10
iprintln local.mess3 \n local.mess4 // Use "iprintlnbold" if you want the white text w/ click
wait 120 // wait 2 mins before loop
save the script in a folder called global on your desktop and on to the next part.
Make a folder called maps inside that put 2 folders 1 called dm 1 called obj
and put all the map scripts u want message to appear on in here. Make sure u put objective in obj and so on.
Open up the scripts and put the line exec/global/server_message.scr (or whatever you called it) put it under the exec global/DMprecache.scr is where i have it.
Save your scripts and pak up the global and maps folders and you are done.
Stick it in your server and away you go.
this is a corruption of the tut i learned from but unfortunatly i forgot who did it sorry!!