the spetsnaz clan is requesting someone to make this model. i have triend to make models myself but only befuddled them so much they looked like blobs. so anyone who wants so make it may do so..... *cough*deleto *cough*
why do you want that ugly peice of shit?your model was probally fine,probally so good that it matched the pic so well,that if it was any more real you could hold it,thats why it looks like a blob,because it is a blob,the gun looks like shit,i have plenty of very nice models i have made myself but i dont want to model a peice of shit like that.
well chikens not too out of line, it is a very strange looking gun...
did you PM deleto, i think he still does modeling by request, and since your the big cheese at, i think he would do it...
btw what is taking so long merlin, with my new skins? i sent them in a week ago, twice, but i stopped not wanting to be too annoying
lol thnx im not really the big cheese there but paul is. i just post files and have not really gotten around to it cuz i've been so busy with school and things. and i did put a few of ur skins up headup. btw chicken its ok. and i think i'll PM deleto now.......