Translation sites don't really work too well. Words don't translate exactly from one language to another. And a computer program can't really decide how to best put the words into a sentence. Well, not yet anyway. Thats why human translation ist he best. But if you want a jist of how things translate, they work. Just don't write a letter then translate it. It doesn't work. I translate a lot of stuff from german. I find to be the best.
But I think what Coublacka_ is talking about is more along the lines of this: ... ench1.html
That is just a demo type thing. You have to buy the product, but its more for if your just beginning the language. I was thinking of purchasing the german one. Other than that I can't really help you.
The only thing I can think of is a French chat room. If you are fluent enough and just want to practice try that.