01-25-2002, 11:09 AM
This will be my last gripe:
1. Manon's sounds are all messed, she sounds like a he now when she falls or dies.
2. The game has horrible FPS when you get more than say 10 players on a server - what's up with that?
3. No Anti-Teamkilling Kick System.
4. No Anti-Text and Voice (chat) Spam System.
5. No menu driven voting system at all!
6. The game crashes for a lot of people playing with XP and some other OS'es - often with repeating sounds.
7. The game has major issues with snipers and rockets.
It hurts the Omaha map and a person can kill you with a rocket up close and survive - the game becomes a sniper/rocket fest.
There needs to be a way to limit the amount of weapons (of all types).
8. There are options for 4 speakers and headphones but 3D positional sound is removed.
9. When a person grabs a turret it looks like it's floating in mid-air.
10. A menu option to turn V-Sync On or Off.
11. Demo recording and playback is not available in the menus (does it exist?).
12. The game has major clipping issues, often a person is seen half way in an object and guns are sticking out of walls - destroying any sort of stealthy gameplay.
13. The netcode has tons of ping spikes, and rarely allows for smooth lag-free gameplay.
This game is a disaster. I can't believe they released it in this state.
I'm tired of whining about it because I doubt even 2 out of these 13 will be fixed.
Except for a few gameplay tweaks, this really isn't better than RTCW at all - in fact, it's techically worse.
I'll bet someone could mod RTCW to be just like this and better - without all these major issues.
This is my last post for quite awhile. I'm probably going to avoid playing this game until these issues are fixed.
See you all in other games!
[This message has been edited by quiet (edited January 25, 2002).]