ok, don't laugh at me now, but i have a 3dfx voodoo3 video card, and recently bought call of duty, but it doesn't work because i don't have open gl for my card. I am going to go buy a video card, a coulple questions:
1) what kind do you reccomend (keep in mind i dont wanna spend a bundle-no more than $200 if possible.
2) are they hard to install.
Thanks for your help!
hehehehe it's kinda funny the voodo 3 card, cause 3DFX doesn't even exist anymore, but anyways, i have a ATI Radeon 8500 LE 128 MB card, it works great, but it cost me about 400 bucks canadian. Although, if you are gonna buy one for Call of Duty you might wanna go with another brand like nVidia, cause the ATI's are having problems with call of duty, i.e. crashing in the middle of playin it. but its all up to you.
Nvidia's FX 5900 or 5950 cards are the best they have at the moment, the 5900 is $400 and the 5950 is $500. I suggest you save up and get one of those or an ATI equivalent because of upcoming games like Half life 2 and DOOM III. Right now i think ATI is offering to give you a free copy of half life 2 (when it comes out) if you buy one of their good cards.
Nvidia's FX 5900 or 5950 cards are the best they have at the moment, the 5900 is $400 and the 5950 is $500. I suggest you save up and get one of those or an ATI equivalent because of upcoming games like Half life 2 and DOOM III. Right now i think ATI is offering to give you a free copy of half life 2 (when it comes out) if you buy one of their good cards.
Also the ATI 3.8 & 3.9 drivers are fuzzy. Once you load the drivers reboot immediately and 1st time in the game MOHAA/COD use the graphics options for the ATI to use D3D only. Play a game with D3D and THEN go into openGL.
COD is optimized for D3D and the operation is fantastic. I'm running the ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 256 MB card