another cheap liitle video I made... with another limp bizkit song in it lol
just so you.. when I played this map.. I realized I didnt have a crosshair on or my HUD system. becuase I was playing in another map eariler and didnt know it was CKR and that took the crosshair out... so it turned off my HUD and crosshair.but when I recorded the demo.. I turned them back on.
so while wathcing this video, keep in mind I made all kills without a crosshair
Download if you want
Size - I think its 8.83MB
Length - 2:37
The quility is lower in this one becuase its longer and I added some other shit into it. you'll see
oh and one more thing.. when u watch this.. keep track of the nade I throw. happy:
and also... I joined the map near the middle and didnt play too the end.. that why you will see why am I am in third...