Running Dedicated Server with mohaa_server.exe .pk3 files -
12-01-2003, 03:13 PM
Okay, here is my situation.
I have a server that I'm going to remotely administer. I can get to the system and start and stop the server just fine, the only problem im having is loading the maps.
The maps we are using are in pk3 format. I've put them in mohaa/main and mohaa/main/maps.
If I'm sitting at the server and start Mohaa normally, go into the multiplay and start the server, I can pick the maps and not have a problem. However, when I've set it up to run from the mohaa_server.exe file using a shortcut on the desktop, the files will not load. It keeps giving "cannot find map maps/mapname.pk3.bsp"
I've double checked my settings in the server config file. Is there a way to use these pk3 files? I've tried using winzip and unpacking the files. I can then play the map, but the map has no sound at all.
Does anyone have any ideas?