I have 13 total.. 6 on my back, 5 on my belly, and 2 on my arm (upper) all of them easily covered up. I am not one to show off my tat2's until I know someone or know someone else has them.. too many stereotypes with tat2's, I let the person get to know me for me first.. before they pass judgement because I have tat's..
Regrets? Nope not one.. have wanted one since I was 12.. mom told me NO and to wait to see if I still wanted one when I was 18.. still did and 13 later about to get another once I pay my property taxes this year

But one suggestion... DO NOT GET FLASH!!! meaning the pre-made shit on the walls.. get something that means something to ya.. cause if not its going to cost you a lot more to remove it or you will hate it for the rest of your life.. plus .. why walk around with something that 10,000 other people have

be unique rock: