Yeah, one of THOSE parties -
01-09-2004, 10:55 AM
My parents decided to goto Las Vegas for a few days, and leave me in charge of the house. . .bad move.
The first night, the cops came to the house at 3AM, because my neighbors thought a bunch of kids took over my house.
The second night, two "escorts" showed up to my house for a few hours.
The third night, my friends got all drugged up and were basically like children on a IV of Pixy Stix. stupid:
Basically, I had a 4-day party, my house was like a stable. I have more pictures at home, this is the only one I have online. Yes, that is my friend stuffed in my drier. He calls me from the drier on his cell and says "Come down to the basement with ur camera, I found something in the drier"
You gotta see my counter-space of my home on the other photos, there is none. My kitchen table was literally covered with 2 mini-kegs, 24-packs, a box of condoms, porn mags, some scattered food, and hard liquor. We made the house immaculate when we were done, you couldn't even tell.