01-24-2002, 07:18 AM
Perhaps you'll pardon me if I write this letter in a more personal vein than usual. I want to tell you about some personal perceptions of mine, primarily because Marstall favors manipulative psychological techniques over honest discussion. Although not without overlap and simplification, I plan to identify three primary positions on Marstall's sound bites. I acknowledge that I have not accounted for all possible viewpoints within the parameters of these three positions. Nevertheless, it's possible that Marstall doesn't realize this because he has been ingrained with so much of ageism's propaganda. If that's the case, I recommend that we derail his annoying little schemes. I'm sure you get my point here.
You see, when he says that public opinion is a reliable indicator of what's true and what isn't, that's just a load of spucatum tauri. Call me catty if you'd like; I will still do everything in my power to point out that the emperor has no clothes on. Then, I will announce to the world that we are being insidiously, conspiratorially, and treasonously led by deception, by bribery, by coercion, and by fear to provide the pretext for police-state measures. Let me recap that for you, because it really is extraordinarily important: I have one itsy-bitsy problem with Marstall's insinuations. Namely, they create widespread hysteria. And that's saying nothing about how his method (or school, or ideology -- it is hard to know exactly what to call it) goes by the name of "Marstall-ism". It is an antihumanist and avowedly incoherent philosophy that aims to convert lush forests into arid deserts. If I have a bias, it is only against noxious, sleazy ne'er-do-wells who humiliate, subjugate, and eventually, eliminate everyone who wants to lift the fog from Marstall's thinking. Marstall managed to convince a bunch of confused, sordid whiners to help him wage an odd sort of warfare upon a largely unprepared and unrecognizing public. What was the quid pro quo there? I'll tell you what I think the answer is. I can't prove it, but if I'm correct, events soon will prove me right. I think that small minds are little troubled by this. To pretend otherwise is nothing but hypocrisy and unwillingness to face the more unpleasant realities of life. Okay, I've vented enough frustration. So let me end by saying that there is much more of this to come.