Originally Posted by NyckMSS
Originally Posted by xXiMDisTuRB3DXx
ok HOW THE HELL is linux way more stable and fun to use than windows?
Because it is total open sources...if something goes wrong with it you have hundreds of thousands of people working on a soulution for it. Where as with windows...some fucking flaw or hole pops up and you have to wait 3 months for Micro soft to acknowledge the problem. Then another 2 months for their crack team to lick all the Jelly donut residue of their fingers before the 10 people who work on the problem fix anything.
he makes good points, but there are some other advantages.
say for some reason the system crashes or is corrupted (which rarely happens on linux) but say it did, and you have lost your linux cds, guess what?! you're not screwed like windows, you can get it for free, its open source. thats much better than paying 200 bucks for an operating system that updates every day and extremely unstable.
linux has better themes, more built in programs that are useful, like gaim, irc, mozilla, and other basic programs.