The "I'm pissed at the FOX network" thread -
02-14-2004, 10:02 PM
Fox is a fucking gay network with gay tv specails that only retarded people will watch because they cant their fatasses off the chesterfeild so they'll watch anything.
I've recently seen commercaisl for there new STUPID tv specail called "Celebrity Spelling Bee" WHAT THE FUCK!? this is unbeleivably rediculous.. WHY? somebody tell me WHY, why would they air something SO FUCKING STUPID?
I've also seen another commercail for their new Specail called " When Animals ATTRACT" - fucking GAY I dont need to say anymore
and they also had more rediculous specails a while back like "Celebrity Boxing" and "Human versus Animal" or sumshit like that.. they had a challenge between 10 midgits and 1 Elephant and wanted to see who can pull a commercail airliner faster. give me a fucking break.
Fox is a rediculous network and should be shut down.. they only reason why I watch it is because they air Seinfeld and Home Improvement.. they rest of it is PURE HORSESHIT
and most of you will say " well dont fucking watch it you goddamn nimrod"
yes you're correct I dont hafta watch it.. but that fact of the matter is - they still air these goddamn stupid specials
anyways.. just wanted to get that off my chest. im tired as hell..
my 2 cents.