01-26-2002, 10:29 AM
Will someone PLEASE post a generic setup of a command line dedicated server? The 1.1 patch says it allows command line support but of course there is still no information on how to set it up! So I've heard this game is based off the Quake III Engine, so what, I don't know which Quake III commands work and which ones don't. All I need is a generic MoH:AA specific server setup and a small explanation of what they do, for example, here is a problem I have had since the demo:
Ok so I want to set-up a dedicated server, but when you go in-game to set it up, you have to choose which game mode you want to start. Well that sucks, what if you want your server to cycle through all the modes and all the maps, how do you do that?
I don't even know which game modes are which numbers... what does set dedicated 2 mean? Is that for LAN or Internet? How do I set-up a LAN dedicated server? This is so easy for games like Counter-Strike because people have actually made documenation on it, so please, someone, here and now, PLEASE post some command line server information, because I'm tired of not knowing how to do it and I have been looking ALL over and NO ONE has anything about any of it! Please, please, someone come to the rescue...