Alright, I have 1.2 gigs of RAM in my computer right now. It consists of 2 sticks of 2100 (256 + 512MB) and a stick of 512 2700. I want to upgrade and buy 2 sticks of 3200 512. My dad says it wont make a big difference but I dont know and I wanted to ask you guys what you think. Is it worth the money to upgrade?
how in fuck are you currently mixing 2 diffrent type of ram speeds ?. It is impossible / Unstable. upgrade to 400mhz bus speed ram. corsair, oz , kingston, samsung even. high speed ram should not be cheap name brands. + how are you currently mixing 2 types ? chemistry it's called the "Rate Determining Step".
You got a line of cars, all Ferraris except for the Yugo at the front of the line. The Yugo is puttering along at 10mph, forcing the Ferraris to go 10mph too.