EA: nice job guys, you came through and saved the game. Here's a feature listing and my opinion:
1) In-Game browser: A pleasant suprise, still needs a couple of things:
a) Needs to display Game Version (1.0, 1.1, etc)
b) Needs Auto-Retry feature with a configurable delay (for joining full servers)
c) Needs to Take you back to browser on 'Server is Full' or 'Timed Out' msgs, rather than the main 'room'.
d) Needs to not automatically refresh the entire list whenver the browser is reloaded (due to disconnecting, etc) - when there gets to be 1000+ servers, it's gonna be a bitch. This means auto-saving the serverlist every time the game is closed and reloading it into the browser upon startup.
e) Needs option to filter servers by country or even 'coast'; west/midwest/central/east.
2) Netcode: The new netcode is great, i feel like it's playing as it should. Great job!
3) Dedicated servers: Finally we don't have to load the game! GJ on that...suggestion(s):
a) People are asking for a linux port.
4) Admin utility; no clue what exactly you did yet, but i'll check it out. However, seeing as you listed it as a patch feature, i'll say kudos for addressing the problem =)
Also, i seem to be able to alt-tab now without many troubles.
This may have already been in there pre-patch, but i see now that in OBJ maps, the map isn't over when all the allies die and the bomb has been planted - they have to defuse the bomb as well. (Could be server-side).
Overall myself and the general public seem to be quite pleased with the patch. I'm glad to see corporate support.
If i think of/notice anything else i will edit.
1) buddy list allowing infinite# of buddies (don't see why the # should matter, tribes and tribes2 both allow as many as you want w/o any sort of refresh-performance hit.)
Keep 'em comin'!
W- true
Team Wolfpack
[This message has been edited by true (edited January 25, 2002).]