Death to the comanche -
04-19-2004, 11:36 AM
Well, I was reading my dads airforce mag at school and there was an article about this matter, So all I could find on the internet about it was this its stange how they cancelled it, I thought the poject would be a great job.
There is a reason why the military is one of the few areas in which the State
operates successfully. It is Darwinian. Bad soldiers die at a faster rate than good soldiers; bad generals lose battles and are replaced; nations with bad armies cease to exist.
So it is with defense programs in war time. No matter how technically sweet a weapon system may be, it must fulfill an actual current battlefield need. It must be able to survive in the battlefield that actually exists and perform the actual missions required in war as it is, rather than as it was imagined.
So it is with heavy heart we say goodbye to a truly magnificent and now still-born aircraft: the Comanche. The US Army announced it will be cancelled. The money will instead be used to buy more Longbows and Blackhawks and to upgrade survivability across the fleet and especially in the National Guard units.
The SAM's of Iraq spoke... and the US Army listened.