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MoH General Discussion General Discussion about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, expansions and Pacific Assault

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Post PA Info Here
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Default Post PA Info Here - 05-27-2004, 01:53 AM

If you have info that you wanna share with us on Pacific Assault, just post it here, and feel free to comment.

Here's something to start off with:

Posted are the following weapons that are going to be featured in MOH:PA. Check it out:

Nambu Model 8 mm Pistol
Model 38 6.5mm Arisaka Rifle
Model 44 Cavalry Carbine Rifle w. Bayonet
Model 97 6.5mm Sniper Rifle
Type 100 Submachine Gun w. Bayonet
Model 96 6.5mm Light Machine Gun w. Bayonet
Model 97 Grenade

Smith and Wesson M1917 .45 Magnum Revolver
.30 Caliber M1 Carbine Rifle
M1941 Johnson Rifle w. Bayonet
Springfield M1903 Rifle
Springfield A5 Sniper Rifle
M1928A1 Thompson Submachine Gun w. 30 Round Magazine
M1928A1 Thompson Submachine Gun w. 50 Round Drum
Reising Model 55 SMG
1941 Johnson Light Machine Gun
Model 11 Remington Semi-Automatic Riot Gun
Mark II Hand Grenade

Sadly, the flamethrower will not be making it into Pacific Assault due to time restraints, but modders will have the capability to work their magic and it may be included into future MOH games.

That kinda sucks, since EA was gloating about PA featuring a flamethrower after it was announced. Oh well, I'll live. There's still a good variety of weapons, though...I'm proud to see a bayonet in there! Finally...

EDIT: Oh yeah, the link:


And I only wish EA would update the damn PA site; lazybum webdesigners. sniping:
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Default 05-27-2004, 02:05 AM

Also, Ask EA! on PMOH has started up. Here's what it is if you don't know:

[quote:8b7ea]Ask EA! is a brand new community program developed by PlanetMedalOfHonor and Electronic Arts. This purpose of this program is to get questions answered by EALA devs that the community submits.

The EALA dev team will NOT being answering these questions directly through the forums. The questions will be submitted to them in an organized and structured manner and they will send responses, which will be posted in a PlanetMedalOfHonor section dedicated soley to "Ask EA!"

This new feature is ran on a bi-weekly basis. Every other week a new topic will be issued and the community will be alloted a certain amount of time to submit their questions. [/quote:8b7ea]

This week the topic is Level Design, so just register on the PMOH forums and ask away [url=http://]here![/url:8b7ea]
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Default 05-28-2004, 06:35 PM

Man I am the only one who posts in this thread...Awe well.

Anyways, PlanetMedalofHonor has a section in the PA section of the site that has detailed descriptions of the weapons in PA along with some pics, so click [url=]here[/url:cdfbe] and check them out!
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MOHPA Interview + Official MOHPA Site Update
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Default MOHPA Interview + Official MOHPA Site Update - 05-29-2004, 03:55 AM

HomeLAN Fed has an exclusive interview with Matt Powers of Electronic Arts, about Pacific Assault. Check this out:

[quote:154b6]In addition to the game play features MOHPA is also introducing some new online features such as: instant play game finder, server wizard, stat tracking, ranking, buddy lists, chat lobbies, auto patching, integrated PunkBuster, and improved mod support. MOHPA is committed to a robust, exciting online experience and the development team has been working hard to ensure all gamers will love it.[/quote:154b6]


The interview reveals some information you may not already know, so read the whole exclusive interview [url=]here[/url:154b6].

(Note: Thanks to [url=]Planet Medal of Honor[/url:154b6] for the information.)

Also, the official PA site has finnaly been updated, this time with information about the Henderson Field demo/level. Here's a excerpt:

[quote:154b6]Tommy is woken up by the sounds of a fellow soldier. The soldier says, "Tommy! Wake up Tommy! They’re in the camp again!"

When Tommy’s eyes open the screen fades in from black, blurry at first, but after a blink of the eyes everything becomes clear. A soldier stands over you trying to wake you up. Tommy jumps out of bed and the player takes control for the first time. Your squad is in the marine camp next to Henderson Airfield and the Japanese are attacking your position. Two Japanese soldiers banzai the squads position. Throughout the camp the allies battle Japanese squads that pour in from the jungle. Each enemy squad uses an advanced AI set of squad tactics. They decide based on your actions how to react to each situation. If you shoot their Captain, the squads moral goes down drastically. If the Japanese soldier’s moral drop too low they may choose to charge or retreat. The Japanese will try to flank your position, and provide covering fire to other squad mates as they advance. Every time you play, the battle changes.[/quote:154b6]

Sounds cool. Check out the MOHPA site update [url=]here[/url:154b6], or just go to the official [url=]MOHPA homepage[/url:154b6].

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Ask EA! Animations
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Default Ask EA! Animations - 05-29-2004, 06:44 PM

Ask EA! has begun a new topic, this time about Animations in PA. If you have questions, ask them now, as the deadline for all questions in this category is June 3rd. Click [url=]here[/url:1e671] to start asking some questions about Animations!

Here are the current topics:
[url=]MOH:PA Level Design[/url:1e671] (closed May 27th)
[url=]MOH:PA Animations[/url:1e671] (open until June 3rd)
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MOHPA Characters Update
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Default MOHPA Characters Update - 06-04-2004, 09:32 PM

Here goes,

A new section on [url=]Planet Medal of Honor[/url:c84aa] has been dedicated to the main characters of Pacific Assault.

Here's an image of a few boys in your squad:

Check out this new section [url=]here![/url:c84aa] M16:
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Default 06-04-2004, 09:37 PM

lol awsome
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MOHPA Vehicles Update
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Default MOHPA Vehicles Update - 06-04-2004, 09:41 PM


Yet another section has been made on [url=]PMOH[/url:14de0], this time for the vehicles of MOHPA. Not all of the vehicles will be shown in this section (just the ones that we know of so far), so expect more!

Here are some images of some of the vehicles:

There are a helluva lot more, so check 'em out [url=]here![/url:14de0] quickshot:
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Gamespot Designer Diary Exclusive #1
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Default Gamespot Designer Diary Exclusive #1 - 06-04-2004, 10:00 PM


Gamespot has started one of a couple of exclusive interviews with Rick Giolito, the Executive Producer at Electronic Arts. This interview doesn't reveal that many new things, but is a good read anyhow, and it does provide a few good details on things you might already know. Here's an excerpt:

[quote:ba071]We rolled up our sleeves and defined the overall vision of the game. Our plan: To create the most viscerally exciting, intense, and relentless squad-based World War II first-person shooter that the world has ever seen. I wanted to create a game that put you on the battlefield with a group of guys and made you feel as if you were really there. We started from scratch. Out went the old Quake III engine; in came a completely new list of features never before attempted. I'll quickly introduce them now, but we'll go into more detail later in future diaries. [/quote:ba071]

Sounds good! Read the rest of this three-page interview [url=]here.[/url:ba071]
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New Pacific Assault Screenshots
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Default New Pacific Assault Screenshots - 06-04-2004, 10:06 PM

A couple of new screenshots for PA have been posted up on the [url=]PMOH[/url:bef9b] website.

Here's two of them:

Here's the rest of them, [url=]here[/url:bef9b] and [url=]here.[/url:bef9b]
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MOHPA Development Team Pictures
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Default MOHPA Development Team Pictures - 06-04-2004, 10:17 PM

The development team for MOHPA has been hard at work testing weapons, taking photos etc. and [url=]PMOH[/url:187b7] has some photos of them on location doing just that.

Here's two of them:

Awesome, check out those flames! Too bad it won't make it into the game.

Anyways, check out all three pages worth of photos [url=]here![/url:187b7]

Also, as a reminder, the Ask EA! topic for Animations is ending today, so go hurry and ask your questions as you have em [url=]here![/url:187b7]
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MOHPA Weapons Update + Misc. Info
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Default MOHPA Weapons Update + Misc. Info - 06-04-2004, 10:31 PM

As Matthew Pruitt at [url=]PMOH[/url:c1912] says:

[quote:c1912]BAR, Garand, Colt? You Got It

You spoke, we listened. The BAR and Garand are now included in the single player campaign of Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault. And as an extra bonus, the Garand has an attachable bayonet. There's also an updated weapons list.[/quote:c1912]

Wow! It's great to know that MOHTeam and EA are listening! The Community's bitching has finally paid off!
Here's the updated weapons list:

Model 38 Arisaka Rifle
Type 100 SMG w/ bayonet
Model 97 grenade
Model 92 HMG
Model 96 AA triple mount
Nambu pistol
Reising model 55 SMG
Model 97 20mm Anti-Tank Rifle
Model 96 LMG w/ bayonet
Model 99 mortar
Model 96 Howitzer
Model 44 Carbine rifle w/ bayonet
Model 98 anti air cannon
Model 92 70mm howitzer
Model 3 14cm Naval gun
Model 97 Sniper

40 mm Bofor AA Gun
Magnum Revolver
Twin .30 cal Lewis Guns (PT Boat)
M1919a4 .30 Cal
Browning 50 cal
M1 Carbine
Thompson MG
Mark II Grenade
75-mm Pack Howitzer M1A1
Johnson LMG
M1 Garand w/ bayonet
Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR)
Riot Gun (shotgun)
60mm M2 Portable Mortar
Springfield M1903 Rifle
Springfield Sniper
M1941 Johnson Rifle w/ bayonet
1.1"Quad-MountAA (WV)
AA .50 Cal mounted (WV)
Colt .45

Even though that is a lot of weapons, the only downside I can find to this piece of information is that the above list is only the single player list. However as Matt Pruitt says, EA is working non-stop to get as many (if not all) of these weapons included into the multiplayer portion of the game.

I will keep my hopes up, as EA has been doing a wonderful job so far.

Also, on the miscellaneous side of things, another question about MOHPA has been answered:

[quote:c1912]Many of you will be happy to know that leaning while running will not be a part of Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault.[/quote:c1912]

It's good news for me anyways. oOo:
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Pacific Assault Insider #1
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Default Pacific Assault Insider #1 - 06-04-2004, 10:43 PM

EA's [url=]Official MOHPA Website[/url:a46e6] has been updated again, this time with their first insider. This one is entitled, "Making Linear Shooters Replayable." Here's a short preview of it:

[quote:a46e6]When a group of our AI characters comes in contact with an enemy, they first evaluate their situation. Is the target attacking? Can we use a surprise tactic against them? Are we outnumbered? These are the kinds of factors the squad will sort through before making their initial tactical decision. The decision they then make will be based on the new morale system. [/quote:a46e6]

Read [url=]the entire article[/url:a46e6] now! Or thou shalt suffice death. rolleyes:
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Official MOHPA Site Update
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Default Official MOHPA Site Update - 06-04-2004, 10:50 PM

That's right...

The [url=]MOHPA Official Website[/url:42345] has updated again! This time it's on the "Weapons of Pearl Harbor", which you probably have reviewed before if you've signed up to the Official MOH newsletter. Anyways, here's an excerpt:

[quote:42345]The weapons used at Pearl Harbor indicated the importance of technology in the new era of mechanized warfare. America's engineering ingenuity would quickly combine with its industrial capabilities to produce awe-inspiring weapons in incredible quantities. It was this unprecedented increase in military technology that provided the men and women of the U.S. armed forces with the tools they needed to ultimately win the war in the Pacific.[/quote:42345]

Check the full thing out [url=]here.[/url:42345]
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MOHTeam Article: Invader Gameplay
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Default MOHTeam Article: Invader Gameplay - 06-05-2004, 06:44 PM

A MOHTeam article titled "Invader Gameplay" has been released on [url=]PMOH.[/url:dd439] This is one of the articles that will be posted every week or so by the MOHTeam.

This particular article covers the new Multiplayer Gametype, Invader. The article isn't that long, but is good and informant nonetheless.

Here's an excerpt from it:

[quote:dd439]Invader gameplay is a brand new multiplayer mode in Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, along side the traditional Team Death Match and Free For All gameplay styles. However, the Invader mode is a lot different from the traditional modes in that it really requires team orientation. Tug-of-War was intended to be like this, but with Invader, there are sets of spawners (that are indestructible) around a series of objectives.

The biggest team oriented feature is the player classes. The player classes is what will make the invader gameplay style feel like you're actually fighting with teammates. The classes will include Infantry, Corpsman (Marine term for Medic), Combat Engineer, and Ammo Technician. Each one has a few benefits over the other, but other ideas will make class functionality more flexible than other games.[/quote:dd439]

To learn about this new Multiplayer Mode, check out this great MOHTeam article [url=]here.[/url:dd439]
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