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Internet Explorer
Dear Joey Restivo,
Due to the malicious acts of your website over the past several years, many complaints have been brought against you, your hosting service, and your gaming team. Both by gaming ladders which will not be named due to anonymity, and many polls have been signed by players of games such as Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (EA Games) and Motor City Online.
After taking in all of these complaints and comparing them to the evidence presented before me by aforementioned gamers and companies; we the company Infinology as a whole have decided to press charges on you, and your associate, Kevin Cho- he will be receiving a letter similar to this.
We have tracked GODLAKE a residence in the United States; tracked by unexplained monetary donations to the website-
We have decided to lodge a formal complaint with the judicial system under the status of "Cyber Terrorism"; which is indeed a serious offense. We have tracked your IP Address to many hackings of websites, and displaying "OWNED" as the title pages, and "scat" being posted in the message boards of said sites.
We will shortly have a formal legal document typed and ready to send to the FBI Cyber Terrorism Division; should you receive a phone call, I would advise you to answer the phone and take it seriously, unlike previous encounters you have mentioned in the database content of your website,
Andreone, Rita C.
Infinology Hosting