Release is days away finally. I thought I would post a few new updates and screens to stir up some more interest.
As of now we have everything done except the minigun for the Helicopter. The UH-60 Flyable BlackHawk helicopter will be equipped with HeatSeaking Rockets and a side mounted MiniGun.
The M16A2 has 4 alternate fire modes. Full Auto, Semi Auto, Burst and of course 2 grenades for the m203 launcher. Using your right mouse button will toggle through the fire modes.
The MP5 will be equipped with a toogle flashlight for the night maps. An allied advantage. Using the right click of the mouse toggles on and off.
New updates for the axis include the dragunov replaced with the Remington700 which will include a nightvision scope to enhance viewing distance and even the odds as the allies have the flashlight.
The G36 for the axis has also been added.
The GP30 with nade launcher will have poisonous gas as told earlier.
RPG ammo limited to 3 rounds.
I should be making a release in the next few days on release night. We would appreciate if we could have some more support in our forums by registering. We are also still looking for sponsors. So far,, and have taken the opportunity and are official sponsors.
Here are some screens
GP30 Gas Grenade
Remington 700
Remington 700 Night Vision Scope
Modern Warfare Nuke (For the DryDock Objective)
M16A2 m203 Nade Launcher
Thanks guys I hope to see you on release night
If you have any questions or anything to add please email me at and please register on the forums. We are open for interviews for gaming or community sites.