ok, Here is what I did...
I copied every single command from all 7 .cfg files included in the Pak6.Pk3 file that You receive when You install the vs 1.10 patch...
I also removed any lines refering to specific "Video Cards & Sound cards"
Additionally I removed any KEY Binding for... say what button I want bind for firing...
Also removed any Server, Player name bindings...
However, I did leave some bindings alone so that You get an idea of what they are doing
I.e. bind F12 "screenshot"
Also added some info from other pages at the bottom I ran accross for cheats & explanations of how some of the entries work
Again NOTE: "I" claim NO responsabilities for any damages done to Your game in result of these commands, I simply have compiled a list for You to access easier!
post replies here Or on Another string in regards to these commands... There are MANY as it is
alias +objectives "show_objectives"
alias -objectives "hide_objectives"
alias bulleton "set g_numdebuglinedelays 30; set g_showbullettrace 1"
alias hudoff "ui_hud 0; bind del hudon"
alias hudon "ui_hud 1; bind del hudoff"
alias m1 "spawn weapons/m1_garand.tik"
alias timesa "set timescale .5; bind pgdn timesb"
alias timesb "set timescale 1; bind pgdn timesc"
alias timesc "set timescale 10; bind pgdn timesd"
alias timesd "set timescale 100; bind pgdn timesa"
alias trisa "set r_showtris 0;bind F7 trisb"
alias trisa "set r_showtris 0;bind F8 trisb"
alias trisb "set r_showtris 1;bind F7 trisc"
alias trisb "set r_showtris 1;bind F8 trisc"
alias trisc "set r_showtris 2;bind F7 trisd"
alias trisc "set r_showtris 2;bind F8 trisd"
alias trisd "set r_showtris 3;bind F7 trisa"
alias trisd "set r_showtris 3;bind F8 trisa"
alias vma0 "set cg_drawviewmodel 0;bind end vma1"
alias vma0 "set cg_drawviewmodel 0;bind home vma1"
autopaused 0lodtool"
bind DEL "hudoff"
bind END "vma0"
bind F1 "togglemenu leveldesign"
bind F10 "editscript"
bind F11 "toggle cg_3rd_person"
bind F12 "screenshot"
bind F2 "togglemenu animate2"
bind F3 "togglemenu emitter"
bind F4 "togglemenu camera"
bind F5 "togglemenu zound"
bind F6 "togglemenu decals"
bind F7 "togglemenu smoke"
bind F8 "trisb"
bind F9 "toggle fps"
bind HOME "pushmenu SelectPrimaryWeapon"
bind INS "pushmenu SelectTeam"
bind KP_5 "instamsg_group_d"
bind KP_HOME "instamsg_main"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "instamsg_group_c"
bind KP_PGUP "instamsg_group_b"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "instamsg_group_e"
bind KP_UPARROW "instamsg_group_a"
bind PGDN "timesb"
bind g "give all"
bind j "weapdrop"
bind k "+scores"
bind m "dog"
bind n "noclip"
bind o "getchshader"
bind p "editchshader"
bind u "toggle cg_3rd_person"
bind v "instamsg_main"
bind y "sayteam"
seta ai_showallnode 1
seta cg_cameradist "120.000000"
seta cg_cameraheight "18.000000"
seta cg_camerascale "0.500000"
seta cg_cameraverticaldisplacement "-2.000000"
seta cg_drawviewmodel "2"
seta cg_effectdetail "1.000000"
seta cg_marks_add "0"
seta cg_marks_add "1"
seta cg_rain "0"
seta cg_shadows "0"
seta cl_run "1"
seta com_maxfps "125"
seta com_maxfps "200"
seta developer "1
seta developer "1"
seta fps "1"
seta g_crosshair_maxscale "8.000000"
seta g_lastsave "m2l2a0077"
seta g_lastsave "test_ducktest0032"
seta g_m3l1 "1"
seta g_medal4 "1"
seta in_mouse "-1"
seta joy_threshold "0.150000"
seta loadOverlay "1"
seta m_filter "1"
seta m_filter "1"
seta name "Frustrum"
seta name "Natestah"
seta r_colorbits "32"
seta r_debuglines_depthmask "1"
seta r_displayrefresh 85
seta r_dlightBacks "0"
seta r_ext_compressed_textures "0"
seta r_fastdlights "1"
seta r_fastentlight "1"
seta r_finish "1"
seta r_forceClampToEdge "1"
seta r_fullscreen "0"
seta r_fullscreen "0"
seta r_gamma "1.026316"
seta r_gamma "1.144737"
seta r_gamma "1.2"
seta r_lodcap "0.6"
seta r_lodcap "1.0"
seta r_lodscale "1"
seta r_lodscale "1.1"
seta r_lodviewmodelcap "0.85"
seta r_lodviewmodelcap "1.0"
seta r_mode "4"
seta r_picmip "1"
seta r_subdivisions "20"
seta r_swapInterval "1"
seta r_textureMode "gl_linear_mipmap_linear"
seta r_texturebits "16"
seta s_ambientvolume "1.5"
seta s_khz "44"
seta s_musicvolume "0"
seta s_volume "1.000000"
seta sensitivity "15"
seta ter_error "10"
seta ter_error "9"
seta ter_maxlod "3"
seta ter_maxlod "4"
seta ui_console "1"
seta ui_minicon "1"
seta vid_xpos "0"
seta vid_xpos "809"
seta vid_ypos "0"
seta vid_ypos "6"
seta viewsize "100.000000"
seta vss_maxcount "20"
Cheat Codes:
DOG - "god" mode (invincibility). This code will make you invulnerable to enemy fire, but you will still get knocked about when hit. This command will also not protect vehicles you may be riding in, such as a jeep or a tank, and will not protect other squad members or objectives from being killed or destroyed.
(Note that this command was enabled by default in the original version of Allied Assault, but is disabled by default starting with the v1.1 patch).
MAPLIST - Brings up a full list of levels. Simply double-click on a level to load it.
FULLHEAL - Brings your health back up to 100.
WUSS - Full weapons and ammo.
NOCLIP - No Clipping -- allows you to fly through walls, etc.
NOTARGET - Enemies will ignore you.
COORD - Shows your current location coordinates, in format x y z.
TELE x y z - Warps you to location X Y Z.
GIVEWEAPON (weapons/[weaponname].tik" - will give you any of the following weapons:
Basic Commands
cmdlist - returns a list of all game commands.
bind "key" "command" - will "bind", or assign, any command to any key.
altbind "key" "command" - allows you to bind a command to [Alt] + any key
altbindlist - returns a list of all current Alt binds
ctrlbind "key" "command" - allows you to bind a command to [Ctrl] + any key
ctrlbindlist - returns a list of all current Ctrl binds
unbind (x) - will unbind key X
unaltbind (x) - will un-Alt-bind key X
unctrlbind (x) - will un-Ctrl-bind key X
unbindall - will wipe out all active binds. Be careful!
say "message" - can be used to bind a pre-written global message.
sayteam "message"- can be used to send out a pre-written message to your team only.
exec (filename) - will execute commands stored in a .cfg file.
kill - causes you to commit suicide.
quit - quits Allied Assault.
Basic Settings
cvarlist - returns a list of all game variables.
name "xxxx" - allows you to change your player name.
sensitivity "x" - sets your mouse sensitivity. Usually set between 5 and 20.
m_filter "x" - toggles the mouse filter on and off (0 / 1).
fps "x" - toggles framerate information on your screen (0 / 1).
cheats "x" - toggles cheats on and off (0 / 1).
Bone's Heal, Pain Is Fleeting, Chick's Dig Scar's & Glory Is Forever