01-29-2002, 10:34 AM
Here's my system specs:
Dell P3 733MHz
256MB PC-100 RAM
GeForce2 MX 400 64MB SDR PCI (w/ latest drivers)
7200RPM 20GB Maxtor HDD
Sound Blaster Live! Value
Windows XP Pro
My virtual memory is set at 512MB, and this helped performance dramatically. It was set at 381MB.
Currently the game is running at anywhere from 10 - 100FPS, and usually runs at 30FPS. I turned off anti-aliasing in the videocard's properties as well as turned off all shadows within the game and both helped the performance, but I'm still not satisfied. My PC usually has no problem running games with settings at max. - RTCW ran flawlessly with all setting set to their max. There was virtually no choppiness and the graphics were sharp and rich.
I am currently running MOHAA in 1024 x 768 with all settings on max, except shadows, which are turned off. I have color depth set at 16-bit and texture depth at 16-bit. (I've noticed very little, if any, visual difference with those turned down, but got a huge boost in performance.)
Under Direct3D Settings the PCI Texture Memory Size is set at the default 31MB of system memory. I can go to a maximum of 127MB. And under OpenGL Settings, 5MB of system memory is set, which is default. I can go to a maximum of 16MB.
My question to those who know: Should I alter these default values? They seem low and I really haven't tweaked my videocard's settings other than to turn on fast linear-mipmap-linear filtering.
Any help in the right direction is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
[This message has been edited by First Man Down v2.0 (edited January 29, 2002).]