<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lysis:
shotguns and rockets are annoying in MP because you don't have to aim them and they kill in one shot. I think they can stay - but with major hits - maybe rocket should be made very difficult to aim, and you shouldn't be able to move fast with the rocket - or maybe you have to kneel before you can fire the rocket - and you can only carry 2-3 extra rockets.
Shotguns maybe should be made so they do even less damage from a long range, and have much longer relode times.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I have to totally disagree with you that "you don't have to aim". That's a pile of horseshiit.. I have been in many an up close frantic rirefight using a shotgun & you DO have to aim. In fact you have to lead a bit with it(as with most weps) unless you are meeting someone head on. Yea, it's a one shot kill in alot of situations. It's a friggin' shotgun for crying out loud. Rockets do have a good bit of splash damage but you still have to aim with those too to get the shell in a window etc.. It is kinda stoopid when you meet someone around a corner & they blow you & themselves up but that's the person using it.. I usually put my rocket away when I'm on the move. Oh, btw the bazooka, rocket, whatever it's called, DOES slow your movement down already.. I do agree with you however, about the shotgun's range. It could definately be made to have a shorter range or more spread. I also, could agree about limiting the rocket ammo, or for team/obj play, limiting the # of people that could use one on each team..
Back to the topic at hand, I used to play Action Quake2 (hat's off to the A-Team!) everyday for at least 2 years straight. It ruled!! I think a good realism mod could use alot of the same ideas they had. Hell, I think they set the bar for *any* realism mod. Period. Now AQ2 wasn't about WAR, but it did involve guns, so I think alot of the same things could apply & make any realism mod good.
Some ideas would be better locational damage. I don't know how possible this is on mohaa, but since it's using the Q3 engine I would *think* it could be done for sure. Head shots should be an almost instant kill. To be otherwise, well, is not realistic at all. And just remember, what one may do to you, you may also do unto them.. ;-) In other words, I hated AQ2 right at first, cause I was getting killed too easy. Well lo & behold when I got my first headshot, I got a big ole grin on my face & became ruthless from that point on.
Stomach & chest shots should also do more damage. I don't know what could be done about say, an arm shot, but in AQ2 when you got a leg shot, you limped. Your screen literally became jerky & you couldn't do alot until you bandaged.
You should bleed in a realism mod. And have a key to bandage. It throws a whole different strategy in the game when you're in the middle of a firefight, get shot, & KNOW that to survive you better get the frig outta there or hide behind something & bandage or you'll bleed to death. Did I say there needs to be BLOOD??
I also loved the way that they had messages in AQ2 for when you shot people & when you got shot. When I'd shoot someone it would say, you hit so & so in the leg, or when i'd get shot it would say you were shot in the azz by so & so. Makes you feel good to know that even though you didn't kill the mofo you got 'im twice in da azz.. For those who think this might clog up the screen with text, well it really doesn't, & besides for those who don't want it you CAN turn messages off. Or even set it to show less messages, least you could in Q2.
For those who would like to see what I'm talking about I *still* got some AQ2 shots up at my screenshots page. There's a few shots in there that show where I hit someone in the head & chest etc.. In one shot I hit two people twice each. Nah it doesnt clog up the screen.
Those are all I can think of right now...
Btw, for those who don't want realism in their game, don't d/l or play it. Noone's twisting any arms. And to that end I say, Make it REAL man!!